Est. 2000 (A.D.)

How I Overcame My Obsession With Food and Lost 60 Pounds!

By Margaret Neilson


I think it was while I was pregnant with my daughter that my food obsession became evident. I put it down to normal pregnancy cravings but four years after her birth I knew I couldn't do that anymore.


I found myself thinking about food all the time--what I would have for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks-- I was out of control. Before long I tipped the scales at a hefty 184.


One day while I was shopping for a dress a very kind size one salesperson came up to me and said "There is nothing here for you." I was destroyed but I knew that I was in trouble. It hit me like lightening that it would only be a matter of time before my friends and relations shunned me and I'd need a reaching stick. I made up my mind there and then to take control of my life.


My first realization was that food is not that important, it is only a very small part of a person's life. By carefully planning my menu six weeks in advance and writing down every calorie I consume, I am able to minimize it's importance in everyday life.


(An unexpected bonus--my math skills have improved! When I watch a commercial for a fast food product I am able to measure the calories within seconds. )


I really want to spread the word and I am anxious to help people. If I'm out to lunch with my friends (green salad no dressing for me please!) I try to assist my friends and tell them caloric content of each bite. I try to tell them food is only fuel, nothing more, that there is so much more to enjoy in life, that their obsession with mere fuel is dangerous.


I tell them that while they may be enjoying that 723 calorie fudge brownie, what they are really doing is letting food take over their life. I rhyme off all the healthy foods they could enjoy that add up to 723 calories and then scribble a menu on a a napkin for them to take home.


I'll share some other tips that may help you in your battle:


The first step: I refused to eat over 800 calories a day for six months. As I put each morsel in my mouth I would count the calories aloud. At first I was tired all the time and found myself falling asleep behind the wheel but I knew in the end it would be worth it.


Temptations: I have a weakness for anything that tastes like real food, so I try not to keep it around. There was an awful period three months ago when my four year old daughter wandered into the house with an Oreo cookie. Before I knew what I was doing I'd wrestled her to the ground. She refused to surrender the cookie so I started gnawing at her arm. Luckily my husband came in before I broke the flesh, gave me a carrot and a laxative and things settled down, but he knows better now.


I've kept the weight off for: Six months, one week, two days, three hours and 47 minutes.


Snack foods: I allow myself ten grains of salt midmorning and four Jello flavour crystals in the afternoon. If it's a special occasion I will allow myself a Saltine but skip my mid morning snack.


My exercise routine: I jog four miles in the morning before breakfast, I do 400 sit-ups in the afternoon before lunch and early evening I do a 45 minute aerobics workout at the gym.


Maintaining: I keep my total daily intake below 800 calories, weigh myself 6 times a day and take my measurements every four hours.


Advice: I'll be honest, it is difficult. But in order to look normal you have to make some sacrifices. I haven't had a bowel movement since Christmas and fainting is part of my regular routine but the rewards are plenty. I can tuck a shirt into my jeans and can now make jokes about fat people.


You can't afford to even think of food--that is a dangerous area. If you let your mind wander the next thing you're thinking of roast prime rib with a steaming mound of garlic mashed potatoes, golden brown Yorkshire pudding all smothered with Hunter gravy finishing up with a succulent German Chocolate Torte topped with two scoops of creamy premium vanilla ice cream--but at 2066 calories I refuse to even think about it at all.  At all. I never do.


I hope you take inspiration from my story and remember no matter how nutritious a muffin may sound it is still like cake.


     Sharon Grehan-Howes


DISCLAIMER: This is a parody of women's magazines so don't come crying to us if you starved to death on one of our diets or you took out your liver by mistake. Unless otherwise noted all material © 2000 - 2022 Sharon Grehan-Howes ( aka Sharon Jeffcock ) Happy Woman Magazine All Rights Reserved