Why does my mother have to butt in so much? Mr. Van Heusan—he wants me to call him by his first name but I can’t because I’m making a point. He was my boss before he was my mother’s boyfriend so it’s a matter of principle—Mr. Van Heusan has let her do some filing in the office. Why?  Because she wants to stay busy.



My work life was going perfectly before she poked her beak in. I liked my job and I liked Mr. Van Heusan. Mr. Van Heusan let me come and go as I pleased, gave me Friday afternoons off and 6 weeks of vacation a year. He was quiet, knew I tired easily and didn't talk too much.



Sometimes he could get a bit moody, like for example the time he left the office in my care for two days and it got robbed while I was getting highlights put in or the time I left the night deposit at a McDonalds and...well I could go on, but it’s not important, the point is he’d have his moods BUT  he would get over them quickly.



Then my mother came to meet me after work one day and it was late middle aged love at first sight.





Next thing you know they are dating. Actual dating not my  kind of dating. I’m not sure they have “done it’ yet and I NEVER WANT TO KNOW.


So she mentioned to him that she’s lonely at home and she’d love something to “keep her busy.”


If that’s all she wants then why doesn’t she do my job and let me stay home?


And why do all old people want to stay busy? I would rather do anything rather than go to work but there she is humming and filing and dusting and bugging the shit out of me because she wears so much jewellery I keep thinking the ice cream truck is coming.


She actually suggested that we take the bus in together.




No thanks. I prefer to sit next to crazy people I'm not related to.


This is so not fair.


2 p.m.


Oh! I went to pick up lunch at the deli and I literally bumped into this really good looking guy. I was loitering near the sauerkraut section hoping to get the man behind the deli counter rather than the woman because she holds a grudge, and while I peeked around the corner to see if he was free , I banged right into this hunk. He spilled some of his coffee and I brushed him off-- It was all I could do to stay respectable (teehee.)  I offered to buy him another one but he said it was OK he was in a hurry.


He wasn’t there when I exited the store.


I wonder if he works near here?





When I got off at my stop, a I saw that the cute guy from the other day!!  He was standing on the corner of the street next to my office building.


I rushed but when I got to the other side  I couldn’t see him. I thought he might have gone down Bedford so  I casually walked past 7 times,  but he was gone.

He is so good looking  in a windblown, rugged outdoorsy way. Not a boy. A Man.



This could be my guy!




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 Unless otherwise noted all material

© 2000 - 2020 Sharon Grehan-Howes ( aka Sharon Jeffcock ) Happy Woman Magazine All Rights Reserved