I'm in love!!!!!!


I wish I knew his name so it would seem more personal, but every day this week I've seen him outside my work in the morning and when I go home.


I'm certain that he followed me home two days ago, but every time I turned around to give him a smile he disappeared behind a bush or a building. He's so shy!!!! That is a turn on,  A big rugged guy intimidated by a beautiful young carefree intelligent vivacious woman.


Yup, things are turning around.





Love for sure makes you look better I have a glow, my hair looks great and my eyes have a sparkle and I've started to work out.


Every single day I'm going to work out I vow this. I will do a series of push ups, situps, squats and some other junk I saw in Shape magazine.


Today I got as far as the push-ups—well the push part, the up thing didn’t come together. It’s not because I’m weak and out of shape, it’s because I hate exercise and my carpet was dirty.


I vacuumed and ordered a pizza to celebrate my success.




I think until I find out his real name I'm going to call him Sam.






I know it sounds insane to fall in love with someone you don't even know but sometimes it just hits you like that. That's how they used to fall in love in the olden days.


If you read any Victorian novel all they have to do is look across the room and the next thing you know the guy is fighting wars and crossing the ocean to make money so he can marry her. Of course she has usually coughed in the first few pages which means she’s a goner,  but he doesn't know that.


Maybe we belong in another time.


I did 2 push-ups, 5 sit-ups and thought about doing some squats. I’m really getting good at this.





A question occurred to me earlier. If I'm in love etc. then why am I spending my Saturday night watching Big Brother and sloughing the dead skin off my feet?

That kind of depressed me for a while. I can hardly wait to get back to work.

Didn't exercise at all today. I figure there's no sense overdoing it. I'll take weekends off.



12:00 a.m.


 I'm kind of spooked. About an hour ago I heard a noise on the fire escape near the living room window.. There are a lot of raccoons around so I let it go for a few minutes, but then I got up to shoo them away.


When I got into the living room the window was open a bit.  I usually close it at night because the raccoons get in and eat my Chapstick, but it was open.

I peeked out and there was nothing there and I know I'm being stupid but sometimes you feel a little scared and vulnerable.

When I moved in they referred to the fire escape as my balcony. What a laugh! It’s not good for anything except maybe  making it easy for the guy from the store below to come up and complain about my bathtub running over or my music being too loud, so, it’s useless.


It might be good in case of a fire too, but I don’t know.




DISCLAIMER: This is a parody of women's magazines so don't come crying to us if you starved to death on one of our diets or you took out your liver by mistake.



 Unless otherwise noted all material

© 2000 - 2020 Sharon Grehan-Howes ( aka Sharon Jeffcock ) Happy Woman Magazine All Rights Reserved