He hasn't phoned yet but I know he's really shy he'll need some time to absorb my vibrancy I think which is fine I don’t like to rush things.



There are a lot of Weltons are in the phone book.






Mr. Van Heusan and my mom had a meeting on Friday afternoon, which is just rude. I was really pissed off that they would have a meeting without me.


 They knew I had a hair appointment why couldn't they have waited?



Well their big huge "idea" is to purchase more of that horrible Tender Tales stock and sell it at a Flea Market on the weekend. If that goes well they plan to open a store.



I feel really sick. I thought for sure I would never have to see those hideous things sad eyed things in person. But here's the topper. They want me to be working at the Flea Market!  Every Saturday and Sunday I'm supposed to be selling these pieces of crap!


Their really lame excuse was that since I only averaged a 15 hour work week and was paid for 40 hours,  two days on the Flea market would make it up.

This is coming from my mother, no doubt about it. I finally get a job that I love with hours that suit me. She steps in and everything falls apart.


They started to discuss strategy and wanted me to be familiarize myself with the products. All these vomit-making names with stupid descriptions!!!


I just can't do it.







DISCLAIMER: This is a parody of women's magazines so don't come crying to us if you starved to death on one of our diets or you took out your liver by mistake.



 Unless otherwise noted all material

© 2000 - 2020 Sharon Grehan-Howes ( aka Sharon Jeffcock ) Happy Woman Magazine All Rights Reserved