Ha!! They'll be laughing out of the other side of their faces now.


I've lined up six count 'em, six interviews for tomorrow. All of these jobs are perfect for me and my skills “No Experience Needed. Will Train”


One I hope I get says "You can make up to $1000 dollars a week! Flexible hours, Start Immediately, " now if that job isn't made for me I don't know what is.


The only bummer is I still have to take the bus downtown and hang around in front of my old work if I want to see Paul. He hasn't been there recently, but if he comes I want him to know that I'm still interested.


I'd love to go up to our, (well technically my mother’s cottage but she should be dead in about 30 years and then it will be mine so I’m just saving time really.).


The leaves would be turning and Paul and I could take long, long walks. I'd playfully pick up a handful and throw it at him and he'd throw a handful at me then we'd fall to the ground laughing. He'd lean over to get a leaf out of my hair and then we'd get caught up in passion and do it right out there in the open.


We'd sit in front of the fire drinking wine. I'd maybe spill a bit down my front and he'd smile at me. I'd be really flustered and he would take my hand and lick of the wine and then we'd do it right in front of the fireplace.


We'd take a boat out and watch the sun dance on the waves. He'd be rowing and I'd just lie back with my hand trailing in the water. I'd maybe see a fish and he'd be so taken with my childlike glee and wonder in such a simple thing that he'd shake his head, and we'd just do it... well maybe not in the boat but when we got to shore.






Fantastic. I think I stand a good chance at every single job I interviewed for today-except for the one that required Spanish. They did say will train but evidently they didn't mean they would also train you in Spanish. They should have been more specific.


My mom phoned me and gave me a long talk about responsibility.


What a joke!!! This coming from a woman who gave herself a home perm in 1986!


I wish I could be put up for adoption.


I can just see Paul's face when I tell him about her. He'll probably shake his head and wonder how I turned out so well.


He'll admire my strength and pull me close. I'll feel like crying but I won't. I'll stifle a bit of a sob and then smile brightly. I'll tell him "It doesn't matter. All that matters is you and me". He'll kiss away a tiny tear that has escaped and marvel at my bravery.


Then we'll do it.



DISCLAIMER: This is a parody of women's magazines so don't come crying to us if you starved to death on one of our diets or you took out your liver by mistake.



 Unless otherwise noted all material

© 2000 - 2020 Sharon Grehan-Howes ( aka Sharon Jeffcock ) Happy Woman Magazine All Rights Reserved